Black Cats Ace Named Blades Player of the Month

Last updated : 09 January 2011 By @blades_mad1889

After each fixture fans are given the opportunity to vote for their favourite Sheffield United player from that particular match – the results from each poll are calculated and form the player of the month results.

Nosworthy, on loan from Sunderland was voted as Player of the Month in September after picking up the majority votes and he did it once again in December, beating Ched Evans and Andy Reid.

Man of the Match:

Barnsley (a): Mark Yeates
Swansea City (h): Ched Evans
Hull City (h): Nyron Nosworthy
Norwich City (a): Andy Reid

Previous Winners:

August: Ched Evans
September: Nyron Nosworthy
October: Mark Yeates
November: Andy Reid
December: Nyron Nosworthy